12 Siberian Husky Behaviour Problems and How to Fix Them

12 Siberian Husky Behaviour Problems and How to Fix Them

Siberian Huskies are special dogs known for their beautiful blue eyes and lively personalities. But they have some behaviours that can be tricky for even experienced owners. In this guide, we’ll learn about and find solutions for 12 common Siberian Husky behaviour problems. This will help you have a happy relationship with your furry friend.

12 Siberian Husky Behaviour Problems and their solutions

Siberian husky

Excessive Barking

Problem: Your Husky’s barking is nice to hear, but when it happens too much, it can bother people.


  • Teach Quietness: Use kind methods to show them how to be quiet.
  • Give Brain Games: Play with toys and games that make them think.

Destructive Chewing

Problem: Huskies, especially when they are puppies, like to chew on things like shoes and furniture.


  • Give the Right Toys: Offer strong toys for them to chew on instead.
  • Watch and Teach: Keep an eye on them and guide them to chew on the right things, and praise them when they do.

Separation Anxiety

Problem: Your Husky might get sad, break things, or feel worried when they are by themselves.


  • Practice Being Alone: Begin with short times alone and make it longer bit by bit.
  • Make Them Feel Safe: Give them things that make them feel secure and create a cozy space for them.


Problem: Your yard looks messy because your Husky enjoys digging.


  • Special Digging Spot: Set aside a place with soft soil or sand just for them.
  • Give Praise and Treats: Say nice things and give them treats when they use that spot.

Aggression or Dominance Issues

Problem: Huskies are usually nice, but sometimes they might act bossy or aggressive, especially if there are other dogs around.


  • Teach with Kindness: Show them who’s in charge using gentle methods.
  • Be Fair to Everyone: Treat all dogs the same way and teach them the same things.

Pulling on the Leash

Problem: Your Husky gets really excited and wants to play tug-of-war while on walks.


  • Get a Special Harness: Use a harness that helps stop them from pulling too much.
  • Teach Them to Walk Nicely: Practice and give them treats when they walk calmly.
Active husky


Problem: Your Husky has lots of energy and finds it hard to relax.


  • Play and Exercise: Make sure they get plenty of active playtime, like running or playing with you.
  • Keep Their Brain Busy: Give them toys and do training to make them think and learn.


Problem: Your Husky likes to do their own thing and might not listen to you.


  • Fun Training Time: Make training sessions short and enjoyable.
  • Say Good Things and Give Treats: Use nice words and treats to encourage them to listen and cooperate.

Fearfulness or Timidity

Problem: Your Husky feels nervous or scared in new places or around people they don’t know.


  • Take it Slow: Show them new things little by little and be nice about it.
  • Give Them Comfort and Support: Be there for them and say kind things when they are scared.

Inappropriate Chasing Behaviour:

Problem: Your Husky likes to chase smaller animals because of their hunting instincts.


  • Play in a Safe Way: Have organised playtime to redirect their hunting instincts.
  • Keep Things Controlled: Make sure the area is safe so they can’t chase anything dangerous
Howling Siberian husky

Excessive Howling

Problem: Your Husky’s loud howling can bother your neighbours.


  • Find Out Why: Figure out why they are howling so much, like feeling lonely or bored.
  • Keep Them Busy and Keep Them Company: Do things to help them feel better, like playing and spending time with them.

Food Aggression

Problem: Your Husky might act mean when it comes to food or treats.


  • Stick to a Schedule: Give them meals at the same times every day.
  • Be Nice During Meals: Use kind words and treats to make them feel good when you’re around during mealtime.


Dealing with issues in Siberian Huskies takes time, being steady, and showing love. If you handle things well, you can turn problems into chances for learning and make your connection with your furry friend even stronger.


How do you train a Husky not to cry?

Training a Husky not to cry means figuring out why they are upset. Here are some ways to help:

1. Take Small Steps: Leave them alone for a short while and slowly make it longer.

2. Give Them Comfort: Make sure they have things they like and feel safe.

3. Make Leaving a Good Thing: Give them treats or toys when you leave, so they start to feel positive about it.

How do I get my Husky to behave?

To teach your Husky to be good, you should:

1. Be consistent with training: Make sure they understand the rules and stick to them.

2. Reward good behaviour: Give them treats, praise, or play with them when they do well.

3. Give them things to think about: Use toys or games that make them use their brains.

4. Let them run and play: Make sure they have time to burn off their extra energy with exercise.

Why is my Husky biting me aggressively?

Aggressive biting happens for different reasons, like when they’re teething, scared, or upset. It’s really important to deal with this behaviour right away. Here’s what you can do:

1. Give them the right toys to chew: Make sure they have strong toys to chew on instead.

2. Teach them to be gentle when they play: Reward them when they play nicely and tell them “no” when they get too rough.

3. Ask an expert for help: Talk to a trainer or behaviour expert who knows how to help with this. They can give you specific advice.

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